InnORBIT Final Conference

InnORBIT Final Conference
InnORBIT Final Conference
InnORBIT Event

Space Economy | 09:30-10:40 (CEST) | MARIBOX 01

We are delighted to announce that the InnORBIT project, in collaboration with PODIM conference, will host a special session focused on the "Space Economy" on Wednesday, May 17th, 2023, in Maribor, Slovenia. Esteemed experts from around the world will be sharing their insights on this important topic.

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Get your tickets here.


The Future of Space Entrepreneurship Support in Eastern Europe | 13:00-14:30 (CEST) | MARIBOX 03

Following the special session, the final event of the InnORBIT project will commence with the theme "The Future of Space Entrepreneurship Support in Eastern Europe". The event will feature a showcase of our achievements over the past few years and an insightful discussion on the future of space entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe.

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For remote participants register here.

Last but certainly not least, we are thrilled to announce that five space startups have been selected to pitch their innovative ideas at the PODIM conference.